There are many opportunities to serve at Good Shepherd!
Altar Guild
Responsible for altar linens, communion vessels, and bread and wine. Members work in teams to set the altar before a service and to clean the vessels afterward.
Flower Guild
Arrange flowers for the altar and assist with distribution of flowers after the service.
Greet and welcome people into the church and assist them with seating as needed.
Light altar candles, carry the processional crosses, assist the priest during the Eucharist.
Read the lessons and lead the Prayers of the People.
Eucharistic Ministers
Serve the chalice at the altar and assist the priest with taking communion into the congregation when needed.
Eucharistic Visitor Ministry
Lay people licensed by the bishop who deliver communion from the Sunday service to homebound or hospitalized parishioners.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Parishioners who knit shawls, throws, and blankets to be given to the ill, grieving, and others. This group also knits baby blankets that are given to newly baptized infants.
If you are interested in serving, contact the Parish Office.