Clergy & Staff

The Rev. Brent Owens, Rector

Fr. Brent Owens came to the Church of the Good Shepherd as Rector in October 2020, from Christ Church Cathedral in Lexington, KY, where he was Associate Dean since 2012. Fr. Owens served two parishes prior to his work in Lexington and was ordained to the priesthood in October 2005. He was a trial attorney in South Florida before his ordination. Fr. Brent received a Bachelor of Science in Business Analysis from Indiana University; Juris Doctor from Stetson University College of Law; and Master of Divinity from Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, TX.

904.387.5691, ext. 1002

Email Fr. Brent

The Rev. Elyse Gustafson, Priest Associate

The Rev. Elyse Gustafson joined Good Shepherd as an Assisting Priest in 2021 and then as a Priest Associate in 2024. Her ministry focuses on Sunday and Wednesday services and on providing programs and support for LGBTQ+ parishioners and their families. Prior to her time at Good Shepherd, Elyse spent seven years in full-time ministry, first at parishes in North Carolina and Virginia and then on active duty as a chaplain in the US Army. 

Now a bi-vocational priest, Elyse works for a large financial services firm. She holds degrees from Duke Divinity School, the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, and Wheaton College. She also serves on the boards of the Lighthouse Florida, JASMYN, and the Cathedral District Jax.

Email Mtr. Elyse

Donald McCullough, Organist & Choirmaster

Don joined the Good Shepherd staff in 2015 and has an extensive background in sacred music as well as in the performing arts. At Good Shepherd, he directs the Chancel Choir and serves as the organist for all services. He enjoys serving at Good Shepherd for so many reasons: the wonderful staff and people of the parish, the talented and committed singers in the Chancel Choir, the opportunity to play the exquisite E. M. Skinner organ every week, and the superb acoustics of the church's heavenward-reaching neo-gothic architecture.

Clifford Parrish, Organist & Choirmaster

Clifford served as our Interim Organist and Choirmaster during Donald McCullough's sabbatical in 2024, and we are pleased to have him continue to serve alongside Donald McCullough. He previously served Good Shepherd as the Interim Music Director in 1988-89. 

In his fifty-year career, he has served Baptist, Methodist, United Church of Christ, Episcopal, and Presbyterian congregations, recently serving as Interim Organist/Music Director at Riverside Presbyterian Church. As a music educator, he has taught at all levels, including at Bernard’s High School, Villa Walsh Academy, and Fairleigh Dickinson and Rutgers-Newark Universities.

Email Clifford

Shannon Dell, Children, Youth, & Families Director

Shannon joined Good Shepherd in the fall of 2024 as our Children, Youth, and Families Director. She has 3 years of experience as the Children's Director of St. Mark's Episcopal Church and 5 years of teaching experience. Shannon loves the sense of community and positivity here at Good Shepherd.  She is focused on growing our programs for children, supporting our teenagers in youth group, and providing fun events for families. 

Email Shannon

Gina Olson, Parish Administrator

Gina joined the Good Shepherd staff in 2020 and works in the office to serve and support our congregation. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. She is a member of St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA).

904.387.5691, ext. 1003

Email Gina

Tameka Brown, Bookkeeper

Tameka joined the Good Shepherd staff in 2021 and serves as our bookkeeper. 

904.387.5691, ext. 1005

Email Tameka

Pam Villa, Pool Director

Pam started as the Pool Director in January 2025 after teaching swim lessons in the Good Shepherd Pool for the past 5 years. She has 30 years of experience teaching swim lessons and has enjoyed many years managing pools, coaching swim teams, and teaching lifeguard classes. She is a Seattle native with a degree in Communications from the University of Washington. 


Email Pam

Tristen Smith, Pool Office Support Staff & Senior Lifeguard

Tristen joined the Good Shepherd staff fully in May of 2019 but worked as a lifeguard for the church prior. Tristen earned his associate's degree with double honors and is working on a bachelor's degree in business administration at FSCJ. Tristen worked as a normal to head lifeguard for the city for 3 years then continued for an additional 2 years as a lifeguard manager. Tristen started lifeguarding with his sister after they were both requested to work as lifeguards after being on a summer swim team. Tristen works in the pool office and as the pool’s senior lifeguard for events.


Email Tristen

Asa LaRoche, Facilities Manager

Asa joined the Good Shepherd staff in 2024 and serves the congregation by helping keep the church property welcoming. 

Email Asa
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