Christian Education

& Fellowship

Christian Education & Fellowship

9:00 am Sunday Bible Study in the Parish Office

We study the Bible in a non-threatening way, and also get to know others in the process. It is a quest for spiritual insight by inviting the Holy Spirit to be present in our Bible study and creating relationships with each other. No preparation or study is required. “African Bible Study” is a method first introduced by the African Delegation to Lambeth Conference in 1998 (Lambeth Conference is a gathering every 10 years of all bishops of the Anglican Communion.) It is rooted in the ancient method of praying the scriptures, known as Lectio Divina, or “Holy Reading.” 

9:00 am Sunday Youth Group in Betsy Lovett Hall

Join us for Youth Group! 5th-12th grades. 

9:15 am Sunday Cherub Choir & Sunday School in Classroom C

  • Cherub Choir is held every other Sunday from 9:15-9:45 am.
  • Sunday School takes place on the alternate Sundays, in the same space and at the same time.

Sunday Children's Chapel

During the 10:00 am service, children ages 4-10 and 2-3 with an adult are invited to follow the cross during the beginning of the service out to Craig Lounge. We will enjoy songs, a Bible story, prayer, and crafts before returning to the Church during the Peace. 

8:00 am Wednesday Men's Bible Study in Betsy Lovett Hall

This group meets in Betsy Lovett Hall on Wednesdays. Bring yourself and stay for the fellowship and study. Enter on Forbes Street.

10:30 am Wednesday Study in Craig Lounge

We are currently in between studies.

The next meeting of The Forum will be on Wednesday, March 12 at 6:00 pm in Craig Lounge. 

As many of you are aware, Title IV processes underway in the Episcopal Church have reached a new stage recently. Additional information has been made public, and the implications for LGBTQ+ people, as well as people committed to good governance, are significant. 

We know some of you have been following along quite closely. Others may be unfamiliar with the details. In lieu of a guest speaker this month, Mtr. Elyse will be offering an overview of what the Episcopal Church's Title IV disciplinary processes are for and how they work. She will also provide an update on where we are now and what the possibilities are going forward. 

There will be time for Q&A. Drinks and snacks will be provided. If you have any questions, contact Mtr. Elyse at

Lay Weeders: Thursdays & Saturdays

“Lay Weeders” are volunteers who beautify the natural spaces around Good Shepherd. You are invited to join them on Thursdays and Saturdays, 9:00 to noon. On Thursdays, the Lay Weeders meet in the courtyard and on Saturdays in the parking lot. Simply bring gloves and gardening tools. Enjoy fellowship, fresh air, and some fun!

Hospitality Ministry & Potlucks

Each Sunday, this group assists with coffee hour after our worship services. They also make potlucks possible. Speak to someone who currently volunteers if you are interested in assisting. Visit our calendar to see upcoming potluck dates.

Monthly EWES Lunch

EWES (“Eating With Episcopalians Socially") is a flock of Good Shepherd parishioners who meet for lunch at 11:30 am on the first Tuesday of the month. No invitation is needed and no reservation is required. It’s just a pleasant gathering with no agenda. Bring your lunch and join them in the courtyard.

Monthly Prayer Shawl Ministry

The prayer shawl ministry meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 4:00 pm in Craig Lounge. This group gets together to knit and crochet prayer shawls and prayer blankets that are blessed and distributed. If you enjoy knitting, crocheting, or just spending time with caring and interesting people, join them. Contact Randy Stephens  with any questions.

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